Ajmer Sharif Uras
2025 Begins 2 January 2025 Ajmer Sharif Dargah Rajasthan India
Online Donation Nazrana Ajmer Sharif Gharib Nawaz (R.a)
What happens in Uras Ajmer Dargah,
people from all over the world gather and do niyaz langar and do
zikr and azkaar and love and respect Khwaja Garib Nawaz In Uras Ajmer
Sharif Quran Khwani is increased and inside the Dargah Sharif there
is a lot of salato salam and prayers of Darood Sharif are offered
more and more. present the views of Ajmer Sharif
Uras Donation Online Booking Ajmer
Dargah Deg Contact Details +91 8000956411, If you want to cook Uras
Ajmer Sharif Deg, then take advantage of online booking services and
make Urs online Donation booking of Ajmer Badi Deg, for Deg Donation
booking contact on this number +91 8000956411
Ajmer Sharif
Trusted Account Number Urs Donation Start Now. MOST IMPORTANT
Donate Now - HDFC BANK
Account Number: 50100686322402
Account Name: Syed Haider Nawaz Chishty
Ifsc Code: HDFC0000205
Micr Code: 305240002
Branch: Ajmer
Khwaja garib nawaz
Festival Donation Contact Number +91 8000956411 You may
deposit your heartfelt contribution (amount) direct in Bank
Account . When you deposit the Holy Shrine amount please
inform us through phone 0091 8000956411 or email:-
Chishtyhayder82@yahoo.com Please inform your neighbours &
relatives about this bank account, so they can also send
their contribution |
Online Donate Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Dargah Ajmer, Online Donate Dargah
Ajmer, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Online Dargah Ajmer.